Its been awhile….

So…..I know I have been MIA for a while and I do apologize. So to catch you up on what has been happening, back in July I finished working at the teaching hospital as a scribe and have since been in school completing my EMT certification. A bitter sweet ending, however, I was ready for…

Not a doctor…yet

So after working in the medical field for the past few years, it has further solidified my intent on why I want to work in medicine and why specifically I want to become a Doctor. For my whole entire life medicine has also been the one constant. From the time I was born (I’m 3…

Team work and all that jazz

How many job interviews have you been on where the interviewer asked if you are a team player? If you’re like me, then the answer is all of them. This past weekend, unfortunately one of my co-workers did not get that memo and up and quit without giving notice. This may not seem like a…

A Humbling Experience

Today, I had the wonderful experience of training a new scribe. With the company I work for, after classroom training new scribes are then started out on the floor. Today was my first day as a trainer and I prayed I was helpful to my trainee. It was a nice experience to be reminded of…

Theme of the Day.

Lets talk about themes. For anyone who works in the emergency department, then you will be somewhat familiar with this topic. Some days it feels as if the patients we encounter all have similar complaints. Like for instance, yesterday was cardiac day. We had multiple patients who came into the ED (emergency department) complaining of…

Working with difficult Providers (Physicians and Mid-levels)

Good morning. So from the title you can probably guess what todays post is about. Not every shift is fun in the sun and you may have a day where you work with a physician or midlevel that just doesn’t mesh well with your personality or does not take into consideration how fast a scribe can…

Dealing with Death

Morbid topic I know, however as an individual who works in the emergency department, this unfortunately comes with the job. I’ll never forget my first patient death as a scribe. During the interview process, they tell you this will be something you encounter. Notice how they say will and not might. My first patient death…

Wet Roads equals slippery tires

Today I am off and Lord am I thankful. Working in the emergency room, most individuals are not privy to the typical Monday – Friday 9 am – 5 pm type of job. As a scribe, we have shift work and daily my shifts change. Sometimes I have a week when I’m working all day…